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Pdf And Images Policy

At Campusify, we strive to provide high-quality educational resources to students pursuing Polytechnic Diploma and Engineering programs. Our platform offers a wide range of materials, including:

  • Study Notes
  • Solved Question Papers
  • Lab Manual Answers Resources 
  • Micro-projects Resources 
  • Final Year Projects Resources

Ownership and Attribution of Resources

1. Original Content:  

The majority of the study materials available on Campusify are created and developed by our dedicated team. These include original notes, projects, and papers designed to help students succeed in their academic journey.

2. Third-Party Resources:  

While most of our resources are original, a small portion of the materials may be sourced from other content creators or copyright holders. In such cases, we take the following steps:

  • Proper Attribution: We ensure that all resources taken from other sources are clearly credited to their original creators. The appropriate acknowledgment is included either within the resource itself (such as within the PDF or image) or alongside the material on our platform.
  • Compliance with Copyright Laws: We respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights. If you believe any material on Campusify infringes on your copyright, please contact us, and we will promptly address the issue.

Use of Images and PDFs:

All images and PDFs on our site are for Educational Purposes and are intended for Student use only. Redistribution or commercial use of the materials without permission is prohibited unless otherwise stated.

By accessing Campusify’s resources, users agree to respect the terms outlined in this policy. Thank You! (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)